Dynamic Regrouping
Dynamic Regrouping is a feature which al-
lows the System Manager to dynamically program
new groups into selected radios. Upon develop-
ment of the regrouping plan, the site controller
sends each radio the regroup plan number, knob
setting(s), and activate/deactivate commands.
When the radio is regrouped, it will alert the
user and the display will indicate REGRP nn (nn
= 01 - 08 depending upon the CONTROL KNOB
If the regroup plan has deselect capability
active on the selected system, press the MONI-
TOR BUTTON to toggle between the group and
regroup modes.
Private mode Dynamic Regrouping operates
as follows:
When the radio is regrouped, all regroups
will initially operate in clear mode.
When regrouped, the operator may tog-
gle between private and clear mode by
and PVT. There is no
forced private regroup mode.
Regroup operation always uses the se-
lected system’s cryptographic key .
If the radio is programmed for deselect
capability, pressing the MONITOR BUT-
TON will return operation to the pro-
grammed groups in the radio, and to pri-
vate or clear mode as the radio is pro-
grammed. Pressing the MONITOR BUT-
TON a second time will return operation
to the regroup mode and private or clear
mode as the radio was previously operat-
Wide Area System Scanning
M-PA radios may be programmed for wide
area system scan operation for multi-site applica-
tions. Upon the loss of the currently selected
system’s control channel, radios may be pro-
grammed to automatically scan the control chan-
nels of up to six other systems. If a new control
channel is found, the radio will switch to the new
system and sound an alert tone. Group selection
may change upon switching to the new system.