This Locked number will change each time you exit the GTI Configurator software and try to re-access the software using
HELP as your password. So record only the last Locked number, if you have entered HELP more than once. Then call a
customer support engineer at 1-800-528-7711 and give the engineer the Locked number you have recorded. The engineer will
tell you what to do from there. Meanwhile DO NOT let anyone enter HELP as a password until after you have done what they
tell you to do.
EDACS GTI Configurator/Database Manager V1.3
ºPlease Enter Your Password º
ºAt The Prompt - º
º(Press 'Enter' to access Level 0) º
º º
º Password: º
º º
ºLocked: 29103 º
º º
Figure 22 - Status Window Showing Locked Number
The second type of password is the Database Manager password. A Database Manager password is used by the GTI
Configurator to access a GTI unit in a specific system when you select an operation from the Comm group. The password
must be set up, or changed, in the database for both the GTI Configurator and GTI units. The purpose of the password is to
prevent an unauthorized GTI Configurator from communicating with a GTI unit in your system(s). A separate password can
be used for each system, or the same password can be used for more than one system.
To assign a Database Manager password to the database of both the GTI Configurator and the GTI units, select the Other
operation from the Comm group. Then press the Enter key, select the specific system, and press the Enter key. When
communication has been established with a GTI unit in the system, select the Change Password operation from the menu of
other operations, press the Enter key, and follow the on-screen instructions.
If a second GTI Configurator is also to be authorized to communicate with the same system of GTI units, the assignment of
the Database Manager password to the database of this second GTI Configurator must be done by a different operation. To
assign a Database Manager password to the database of the second GTI Configurator, select the change Database manager
password operation from the Other group. Then press the Enter key, select the specific system, press the Enter key, and
follow the on-screen instructions. This operation only changes the password in the GTI Configurator database, not in the GTI