The Other group of operations is the fifth group shown in the Main Menu. Figure 19 shows a sample Main Menu screen with
the otHer group selected. When this group is first selected, the change PC modem parameters operation is automatically
selected. Selecting another operation will change the information in the HELP window.
EDACS GTI Configurator/Database Manager V1.3 (SUPERVISOR mode)
ì Edit View Comm File otHer ì
³ change PC modem parameters ³
³ change Database manager password ³
³ Auto download ³
³ Exit ³
ºSelect item with arrow keys and º
ºENTER or capital letter. ESC to quit º
º º
ºThis option allows changes to be made º
ºto the modem initialization string º
ºsent to the modem connected to your º
ºPC. º
º º
Figure 19 - Sample Main Menu Screen with the otHer Group Selected
The otHer group of operations allows you to make additions, deletions, and modifications to various parts of the GTI
Configurator database (not the GTI database). This group includes the following specific operations:
The change PC modem parms operation is used to make changes to the modem initialization string. This
initialization information is sent by the GTI Configurator to the connected modem when a remote data link is used to
connect the GTI Configurator to a GTI unit. Using a Hayes-compatible modem will minimize (if not eliminate) the
need to make changes to this string.
The change Database manager password operation is used to change the password used by the GTI Configurator
to access the GTI units. This operation only changes the password in the database of the GTI Configurator, not the
GTI units. Therefore, only use this operation for a second GTI Configurator to be used to manage the same system of
GTI units.
To make changes to the password in the database of the first GTI Configurator and the GTI units, use the Password
operation from the Other operations in the Comm group. A separate password can be used for each system, or the
same password can be used for more than one system.
The Auto download operation is used to automatically download call detail records from an IAM (if one is present)
in the system, to the GTI Configurator at a pre-selected hour.
The Exit operation is used to exit from the GTI Configurator software. This also can be accomplished by pressing
the Esc key one or more times, depending upon where you are in what operation.