Relamping Instructions
Side Panel Lamp Removal
1. Detach side panel acrylic from profile retaining
frame by removing acrylic attaching screws with
the provided Ergoline Service Key.
(Refer to Illustration L4)
2. The acrylic side panel will hinge down.
3. Remove attaching screw from the starter cover
with the Ergoline Service Key and hinge down.
4. To remove lamps turn 1/4 turn and slide lamp
from lampholder.
5. To install lamps place lamp in lampholder and
turn lamp 1/4 turn. To install lamp properly the
lamp etch must be facing the acrylic.
6. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 in reverse order to
reassemble the tanning unit.
Top Canopy Lamp Removal
1. To detach top unit acrylic apply pressure to the
acrylic assembly and rotate the acrylic latches
clockwise. The acrylic assembly is attached with
two retainers, one at the head and one at the foot
end of the canopy. (Refer to Illustration L5)
2. After detaching the acrylic assembly, carefully
lower the front down, resting the assembly on the
base of the unit. (Refer to Illustration L6)
3. To remove lamps turn lamp 1/4 turn and slide
lamp from lampholder.
4. To install lamps place lamp in lamp holder and
turn lamp 1/4 turn. To install lamp properly the
lamp etch must be facing the acrylic.
5. To install the top unit acrylic assembly lift
assembly into position and apply force. Turn the
two acrylic latches counter clockwise until
If lamps will not light inspect the lamp. The Sun
Ergoline 600 utilizes reflector lamps and only
emits UV light from the top side of the lamp. It is
also recommended during a lamp change that
you inspect all starters to insure they are in good
working order and replace if necessary.
Illustration L4
Illustration L5
Illustration L6