Parameter 17 is the session cost per minute. This figure is automatically entered into the
tanning unit’s data bank in accordance with the National Average of 7.5¢ per kilowatt
hour. The formula used is Unit_KwH_Draw X National_Average / 60_minutes = cost per
minute. In the case of the R32B this is 3.1 x 7.5 / 60 = 0.388 rounded up to .4 cents per
To Change Parameter 17, Cost Per Minute
Press Reset once then release it, the display will begin to flash. Now press
the desired cost per minute is displayed. Measurement in cents and tenths of a cent. For
Example. A reading of .4 would equal four tenths of one cent. Once the desired reading is
displayed press Reset once and release it. The Cost Per Minute is now set.
Now press Start/Stop once and release it to reach Parameter 18 (P18), The Session
Parameter 18 is the Session Counter. The session counter displays the total number of
times a session has been started since first day of operation. The session counter
counts from 0000 to 9999 then rolls over. The session counter cannot be adjusted or
Now press Start/Stop once and release it to reach Parameter 19 (P19), Total Hour
Parameter 19 is the total hour accumulator. This accumulator displays the total number
hours on the unit since first day of operation. The accumulator counts from 0000 to 9999
then rolls over. The total hour accumulator cannot be adjusted or reset.
Now press Start/Stop once and release it to reach Parameter 24 (P24), Continuous
Countdown Mode.
Parameters 20-23 are reserved for factory use.
Parameter 24 is the continuous countdown mode toggle. The default is 0 for disabled.
The continuous countdown mode allows the salon owner to maintain a tighter schedule
by disabling the pause function of the timer thus allowing the tanning time to continue to
count down even if the lamps are turned off by pressing the start/stop key. This feature
is only available with software level 16 or higher.
To Change Parameter 24, Continuous Countdown Mode
Press Reset once then release it, the display will begin to flash. Now press
until 0001
is displayed, press Reset once and release it. Next cycle the power to the timer and
tanning unit off and back on. The Continuous Countdown Mode is now enabled. To
disable this function change parameter 24 back to 0000.
Now press Start/Stop once and release it to reach Parameter 25 (P25), Keylock