Care and Cleaning of Your Tanning Unit
After each session is completed, spray the acrylic
surface with specially formulated UVT (ultraviolet
transmitting) acrylic cleaner. Wipe the surface of
the acrylic with a clean cloth. The acrylic should
never be wiped with a dry cloth because this will
generate a slight static charge which will attract
dust. A mild liquid detergent and water solution can
be used temporarily in place of Acrylic Cleaner.
For maximum efficiency of your tanning unit, periodic cleaning of lamps, reflectors and the inside of the
acrylics is required. Refer to relamping instructions for acrylic removal.
CAUTION: Do not use excessive amounts of water, any abrasive cleaners, or any spray cleaners that carry
label warnings regarding reactions to contact with skin!
Electrical Safety:
The tanning unit should be disconnected from the power supply before cleaning or disinfecting
the inside of the acrylic. Avoid water or solution entering the lamp compartment.
Relamping Instructions
Base Lamp Removal
1. Unlock bottom unit acrylic with the provided
Ergoline Service Key. Insert key in lock at head
end of bottom unit and turn clockwise 1/4 turn.
(Refer to Illustration L1)
2. Raise the acrylic panel assembly until locked.
The panel should lock in an upright position to
allow access to inner acrylic.
3. Remove the lower acrylic panel by placing
index finger under the provided slot and lifting
edge of acrylic. Lift acrylic from the end of sheet
allowing the rear edge to slide from slot behind
the lamps. (Refer to Illustration L2)
4. Remove both head and foot starter covers as
shown. (Refer to Illustration L3)
5. To remove lamps turn lamp 1/4 turn and slide
lamp from lampholder.
6. To install lamps place lamp in lampholder and
turn lamp 1/4 turn. To install lamp properly the
lamp etch must be facing the acrylic.
7. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 in reverse order to
reassemble the tanning unit.
Illustration L1
Illustration L2
Illustration L3