Operation Manual
er900L Operation Manual
Version: 12/01
Art-Nr: 475.043
Summary Protocol:
A summary of the ergometry with the PWC
values at the end of the total ergometry.
The Printer
Configuration of Printer
The printer may be configured in any one of three modes. This is done by pressing the
brown key „
“ (13). The status of the printer can be read from the lower right
corner of the display. The various configurations have the following meaning:
INT = The integrated system printer is enabled and prints all displayed parameters
immediately after each load change and/or blood pressure measurement.
EXT = The integrated printer is disabled. All data are exported to another system (ECG,
PC or external printer) and printed there.
OFF = The printer is turned off. (This setting is only valid for the current stress test and
will revert to „INT“ as soon as the current stress test is terminated.)
Printed Parameters
The printer documents all parameters that are shown in the display. Printing will occur
immediately following each load change and/or blood pressure measurement. Printing
will also occur after the recovery period when the ergometry is aborted or comes to a
programmed termination. There are three parts of the ergometric protocol:
Loading Protocol:
Documents the blood pressure reading
at rest , at each load increment and af-
ter each blood pressure measurement
during the load phase and the elapsed
time at termination.
Recovery Protocol:
Documents each blood pressure measure-
ment during the recovery phase.