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Descriptions and non-contractual illustrations in this document are given as an indication only.
ERCO&GENER reserves the right to make any modifications.
5.2 Recommendations for using the modem in vehicles
WARNING : The power supply connector on the GenPro must
be connected directly to the battery
of a vehicle.
5.2.1 Recommended connection to the battery in a lorry
All lorries have a circuit breaker outside the cabin. The circuit breaker is necessary for security reasons. For
example, if a fire breaks out in the lorry’s electric box, the driver may cut the power source to avoid further
danger and damage (explosion).
The circuit breaker is connected to the ground of the lorry, usually connected to the fuse box. As such, most
lorry circuit breakers cut the ground connexion rather than the battery power side as shown in the diagram
below :
The diagram above shows a
connexion, where the modem is connected after the circuit
breaker to the ground of the lorry (or in the fuse box) and
directly to the earth of the battery