f. When the cut is completed, switch off the machine and then
pull the saw blade out of the cut only after it has come to a
standstill. In this manner you can avoid kickback and can place
down the machine securely.
g. Use only undamaged saw blades that are in perfect condition.
Bent or dull saw blades can break, negatively influence the cut,
or lead to kickback.
h. Do not brake the saw blade to a stop by applying side pressure
after switching off. The saw blade can be damaged, break or
cause kickback.
i. Do not support the workpiece with your hand or foot. Do not
touch objects or the floor with the saw running. Danger of
j. Use suitable detectors to determine if utility lines are hidden in
the work area or call the local utility company for assistance.
Contact with electric lines can lead to fire and electric shock.
Damaging a gas line can lead to explosion. Penetrating a water
line cause property damage or may cause an electric shock.
k. When working with the machine, always hold it firmly and
provide a secure stance.
Do not connect the positive terminal and negative terminal of
the battery to each other with any metal object (such as wire).
Do not carry or store battery together with necklaces, hairpins
or other metal objects.
Do not pierce the battery with nails, strike the battery with a
hammer, step on the battery or otherwise subject it to strong
impacts or shocks.
Do not solder directly onto the battery.
Do not expose battery to water or salt water, or allow the
battery to get wet.
Do not disassemble or modify the battery.
Do not place the battery in or near fire, on stoves or other
high temperature locations. Do not place the battery in direct
sunlight, or use or store the battery inside cars in hot weather.
Do not place the battery in microwave ovens, high-pressure
containers or on induction cookware.
If you intend to store a battery for a period without use then
store battery at room temperature (19°C to 25°C), charged
to about 30 – 50% of capacity. When storing for very long
periods boost charge the battery once per year to prevent over
The following information applies to professional users only but is
good practice for all users:
The updated Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Regulations 1st October 2012 now also targets to reduce the
risks associated with silica, wood and gypsumdusts. Construction
workers are one of the at-risk groups within this because of the
dust that they breathe: silica dust is not just a nuisance; it is a real
risk to your lungs!
Silica is a natural mineral present in large amounts in things like
sand, sandstone and granite. It is also commonly found in many
construction materials such as concrete and mortar. The silica is
broken into very fine dust (also known as Respirable Crystalline
Silica or RCS) during many common tasks such as cutting, drilling
and grinding. Breathing in very fine particles of crystalline silica
can lead to the development of: Lung cancer Silicosis Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder/Chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) And breathing in fine particles of wood dust can
lead to the development of Asthma. The risk of lung disease is
linked to people who regularly breathe construction dust over a
period of time, not on the odd occasion.