#286-5489 Byrne Rd., Burnaby, BC, V5J3J1, Canada Phone: 888-387-3787 or 604-266-8547 www.equustek.com
4.2.2 Normal On-line Operation
The following is a description of the normal operation of the LED’s on the DL6000.
Description of Operation
Green Indicates Power is being supplied to the DL6000.
Flashes GREEN for 0.5 seconds when a character is Received or
Transmitted. If Characters are being received of transmitted faster
than this then it might appear the LED is on SOLID. Flashes RED
for 0.5 seconds if a NAK is received or transmitted. Will also
flash if all serial communication buffers are full.
A-B Network
On Hardware Reset will flash GREEN and RED until a valid DH+
network is
detected. This is the AUTO BAUD Rate detection
mode, the DL6000 will automatically connect at the DH+ speeds
of 57.6K, 115.2K and 230.4K Baud.
LED will switch to on solid
once the DL6000 is on the DH+ network as a valid node address.
LED will flash GREEN when the DH+ is set to a certain Baud rate
but is not on network.
On Hardware reset the A-B Network will flash GREEN at a 1
second rate when the DH-485 is not on network. Once a valid
network is running the LED will flash GREEN much more rapidly
(approx. every 0.1 seconds), the rate depends on how busy the
network is.
Used for Determining Operating Mode and DL6000 Status
RJ45 LED’s Description of Operation
Activity LED
Blinks (amber 10BaseT) or (green 100BaseT) to
indicate an Ethernet socket has been established and
Link LED
Lights Solid Amber or Green to indicate Ethernet
Port is connected to the 10/100Base-T network.