Equinox ESP-2 MI Serial Hub Installation Guide
Allow administrative functions via SNMP - When enabled, the SNMP interface is used
for monitoring and some con
guration of the ESP-2 MI. When disabled, tools such as
EquiView Plus and espdiag will not work. This feature is enabled by default.
Allow web based interface - When enabled, the interface being used is available. When
disabled, this interface is not available. This feature is enabled by default.
Allow telnet based con
g/debug utility - When enabled, a Telnet session with the ESP-2
MI can be used for con
guration and debugging. When disabled, Telnet sessions are not
allowed for con
guration and debugging. This feature is disabled by default.
When the ESP-2 MI is reinitialized, all configurable features are restored to their default settings.
To view or change configurable features:
1. Select
gurable Features
from the Main Menu.
2. Click
radio button next to the feature(s) to be changed.
3. If you changed any setting, click the
button. The EEPROM con
guration is
ed, but the change does not take effect until the next reboot of the ESP-2 MI. To
reboot, click the
Displaying General Statistics
The General Statistics window displays the following items:
Uptime - Number of days, hours, minutes and seconds since the unit was last rebooted.
Idle Time - Number of days, hours, minutes and seconds of idle time since the unit was
last rebooted. Idle time is de
ned as time when the ESP-2 MI is not performing any
active operations such as processing serial or network data.
Network Interface Counts - Number of bytes transmitted and received plus the number of
transmit and receive errors that have occurred since the unit was last rebooted.
UDP - Number of UDP datagrams transmitted and received plus the number of UDP
receive errors
Number of TCP packets transmitted and received plus the number of TCP receive errors
To display general statistics, select
General Statistics
from the Main Menu.
Displaying Port Statistics
The Port Statistics window displays the following current operational information for each
ESP-2 MI port:
Status - Port status
Server - IP address of the server that has the port open.
Receive Bytes - Number of bytes received since the unit was last rebooted.
Transfer Bytes - Number of bytes transmitted since the unit was last rebooted.
Signals - Current value of the RS-232 signals: RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR and CD. A signal is
listed in the display only if it is asserted (high).
Baud rate/Size/Parity - Baud rate, data size (5-8 bits), parity (N=none, O=odd, E=even,
M=mark or S=space) and number of stop bits (1 or 2).