Rev. B
Print result is not normal
Print is light or irregular
Print is dark
Dots are missing continuously
Table 3-11 Light or Irregular Print
Probable part/probable cause
Action to correct the problem
Ribbon cassette
Check the ribbon mounting. Make
sure it is installed correctly.
Install the ribbon cassette correctly.
Completed if printing is normal.
Check the ribbon cassette. Make sure
the ribbon is fed by turning the tab.
Replace the ribbon cassette with a
new one. Completed if printing is
Ribbon take-up function
Check the take-up operation. Be sure
the following parts operate with
operation of the carriage sub
assembly (1025)
Belt drive pulley (505)
Ribbon middle gear (512)
Ribbon drive plate sub assembly
Ribbon take-up gear sub assembly
Replace the defective gear.
Completed if the operation is normal.
Adjustment roller shaft holders
Check the platen gap adjustment.
0.45 mm: falls with no weight applied
0.55 mm: does not fall
Adjust the platen gap (refer to page
5-5). Completed if printing is normal.
Table 3-12 Dark Print
Probable part/probable cause
Action to correct the problem
Adjustment roller shaft holders
Check the platen gap adjustment.
0.45 mm: falls with no weight applied
0.55 mm: does not fall
Adjust the platen gap (refer to
page 5-5). Completed if printing
is normal.
Table 3-13 Missing Dots
Probable part/probable cause
Action to correct the problem
Head FFC (521)
Check the continuity with a tester. Make
sure no wires are broken or shorted out.
Replace the head FFC (521).
Completed if printing is normal.
Print head unit (503)
Check the continuity with a tester. Make
sure no wires are broken or shorted out.
Replace the print head unit
(503). Completed if printing is
Check the state of the dot wires. Make sure
they are not broken.