Recording Material Usage
Users must pay for all materials used during their S70670 booking. All media cut o
from a roll, printed on, or damaged by a user must be paid for. All ink used for image
printing must be paid for. Users are not charged for individual nozzle checks, head
cleanings, and regular ink circulation waste, but these expenses are factored into ink
Users are expected to accurately fill out all usage logs during their print session. Failure
to do so could result in loss of access to the printer and other Fine Arts Research
If you have concerns about your material usage or invoice, please contact
[email protected] immediately following your print session.
Filling out the Usage Log Book
All print costs are specific to media type, roll size, and media mode. If you change any
of these parameters from one print to the next, you should complete the current usage
log entry and begin a new one.
The current month and date.
Full Name:
The full name of the person being billed. If you are printing for another user
please put your name in brackets so we know who operated the printer.
Payment Type:
Ext = external, you will receive an invoice by email and pay by cheque,
money order, debit, or credit card to reception at 11.455. Int = internal, payment to be
made by a Concordia grant or budget code.
Media Type & Roll Size:
The type of media you are printing on and the roll size. If you
are using your own media please write
Media Mode:
The print mode that you used, which will determine the cost of the ink
per square inch.
Media Usage:
The total amount of media you used, recorded in linear inches.
Ink Usage:
The total square inches of the job or images you printed.