8-4 Using Other Features in PhotoPC 500
Setting Tone Adjustment
The Tone Adjustment option works like Brightness and
Contrast, but it gives you more control. You can adjust the
brightness of three tone ranges in your image or selection:
the highlights, the midtones, and the shadow areas.
Follow these steps to set tone adjustment:
Select the area you want to change, or make sure no
area is selected if you want to change the entire image.
Tone Adjustment
from the Enhance menu. The
Tone Adjustment dialog box appears.
The mapping curve, which initially looks like a straight
line, shows the tone adjustments you make. The
horizontal axis represents the original brightness level
(from the dark on the left to the bright on the right),
and the vertical axis represents the new brightness
The histogram represents the brightness of the image
or selected area. The horizontal axis represents the
brightness level (from the dark on the left to light on
the right), and the vertical axis represents the number
of pixels.
pc-8.fm5 Page 4 Friday, November 1, 1996 11:21 AM