Wire clip
Figure 1-10. Cable connection
Next connect the other end of the printer cable to your computer.
On most computers you can easily find the correct connector for the
printer cable, but if you are not sure, consult your computer manual
or your dealer.
First Printing Exercise
Now it is time to see something more interesting than the test
pattern from your LX-80 printer. Your next step depends upon what
kind of printing you plan to do. If you have a word processing or
other commercial software program, just load the program in your
computer, follow its printing instructions, and watch your LX-80
print. If you plan to use your LX-80 for printing program listings,
load a program and use your computer system’s listing command
(LLIST for Microsoft™ BASIC, for example).
Note: If all the lines of your first printing exercise are printed on top
of each other, don’t worry. There is nothing wrong with your
printer. All you have to do is change the setting of a small
switch in the back of your printer. See the section on automa-
tic line feeds in Appendix D.