backing up, 2-4, 2-9
care and handling, 2-4-7
compatibility with IBM-PC, 2-5
floppy, blank, 2-7
hard disk; 2-10-11
how they work, 2-5
inserting and removing, 2-4,
2 - 6 - 8
magnetic surface of, 2-5
Disk drive
hard, See
Hard disk drive
inserting floppy into, 2-6
LED lamps, 1-6
protector sheets, 1-2, 1-18
single floppy, 2-9
slot, 2-9
using, 2-9
Disk lock/release button, 1-6, 2-7
Display, monitor, See Monitor
DMA, B-1
DOS, C-3
Electromagnetic interference, 1-3
End key, 2-2
Enter key, 2-2
Environmental conditions, 1-2
Environmental requirements
Equity I+
cable connections, 1-6
components, arranging the, 1-2
disk drive, See
Disk drive
disk, See
electromagnetic interference, 1-17
environmental conditions, 1-18
front panel, 1-5
main unit,
See Main unit
operating system, 2-9-11
packing materials, 1-1
power cord, 1-6
power switch, 1-18
rear panel, 1-4
resetting the, 2-3
self-diagnostic test, internal, 1-19
special keys, 2-1
turning on power, 1-17
unpacking, 1-1
video monitor, See Monitor
Esc key, 2-2
Execution speed, selecting, 2-2-3
External devices, See Option cards
FDISK command, 2-11
Floppy disk
controller, A-1-2
drive, 2-4
problems, 4-2-3
floppy disk, 2-9
hard disk, 2-11