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EPS Stromversorgung GmbH
Alter Postweg 101 • 86159 Augsburg
Fon: +49 821 / 570451-0
Fax: +49 821 / 570451-25
PSB 9000 3U Slave Series Cable lead and plastic cover
A plastic cover for contact protection is included for the DC terminal. It should always be installed. The cover for
type 2 (see picture above) is fixed to the connector itself, for type 1 to the back of the device. Furthermore the
cover for type 1 has break outs so that the supply cable can be laid in various directions.
When using copper bars, like they’re typical for cabinets, these plastic covers are not used. Instead it is required
to make a new one which can cover the entire DC bus.
The connection angle and the required bending radius for the DC cable must be taken into
account when planning the depth of the complete device, especially when installing in a 19”
cabinet or similar. For type 2 connectors only a horizontal lead can be used to allow for instal-
lation of the cover.
Examples of the type 1 terminal:
90° up or down
space saving in depth
no bending radius
horizontal lead
space saving in height
large bending radius
2.3.6 Grounding of the DC terminal
Grounding one of the DC terminal poles is allowed. Doing so can result in a potential shift of the grounded pole
against PE.
Because of insulation, there is a max. allowed potential shift of the DC terminal poles, which also depends on the
„1.8.3. Specific technical data“
2.3.7 Connection of remote sense
Important, note: Remote sensing is only for situations when the device is operated stand-alone. Being a slave in
a master-slave system, only the master receives the remote sense signal and regulates the slave accordingly via
the Share bus.
Both pins „NC“ of the Sense connector must not be wired!
Remote sensing is only effective during constant voltage operation (CV) and for other regulation
modes the sense input should be disconnected, if possible, because connecting it generally
increases the oscillation tendency
The cross section of the sense cables is noncritical. Recommendation for cables up to 5 m:
use at least 0.5 mm²
Sense cables should be twisted and laid close to the DC cables to damp oscillation. If neces-
sary, an additional capacitor should be installed at the load/consumer to eliminate oscillation
The + sense cables must be connected to + on the load and - sense to - at the load, otherwise
the sense input of the power supply can be damaged. For an example see