Understanding Your Test Results
Expected Values*
EasyMax 15
Blood Glucose test strips are plasma referenced and calibrated for easier comparison to lab
results. The American Diabetes Association recommends a post-meal glucose level of less than 140 mg/dL and
a pre-meal glucose of less than 100 mg/dL*.
American Diabetes Association: Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus (Position Statement).
Diabetes Care
(Supp. 1) S66, 2011.
Unusual Test Results
If the results are inconsistent with you or your patient’s symptoms, please follow these steps:
1. Run a control solution test, Chapter 2 "Control Solution Testing."
2. Repeat a blood glucose test, Chapter 3
"Testing Your Blood Glucose.
3. After running the quality control and retesting your blood glucose, if there are still concerns about the
performance of the meter, call EasyMax Customer Care at 866-994-3345 for further troubleshooting or if it is
an emergency, contact your healthcare professional.
4. For accuracy and precision data and for important information on limitations, see the instructions that come
with your test strips.
Note: 1. Extremely high humidity may affect the test results. A relative humidity above 90% may
cause inaccurate results.
2. Hematocrit below 20% may cause higher results. Hematocrit above 60% may cause lower