Diagnostic Card Usage
Page 13
31 Display memory R/W test or retrace checking failed. To do alternate
Display memory R/W test.
32 Alternate Display memory R/W test passed. To look for the alternate
display retrace checking.
34 Video display checking over. Display mode to be set next.
37 Display mode set. Going to display the power on message.
38 Different BUSes init (input, IPL, general devices) to start if present.
39 Display different BUSes initialization error messages.
3A New cursor position read and saved. To display the Hit <DEL>
40 To prepare the descriptor tables.
42 To enter in virtual mode for memory test.
43 To enable interrupts for diagnostics mode.
44 To initialize data to check memory wrap around at 0:0.
45 Data initialized. Going to check for memory wrap around at 0:0
and finding the total system memory size.
46 Memory wrap around test done. Memory size calculation over.
About to go for writing patterns to test memory.
47 Pattern to be tested written in extended memory. Going to write
patterns in ase 640k memory.
48 Patterns written in base memory. Going to findout amount of memory
below 1M memory.
49 Amount of memory below 1M found and verified. Going to findout
amount of memory above 1M memory.
4B Amount of memory above 1M found and verified.
Check for soft reset and going to clear memory below 1M for
soft reset. (If power on, go to check point# 4Eh).
4C Memory below 1M cleared. (SOFT RESET)
Going to clear memory above 1M.
4D Memory above 1M cleared. (SOFT RESET)
Going to save the memory size. (Goto check point# 52h).
4E Memory test started. (NOT SOFT RESET)
About to display the first 64k memory size.
4F Memory size display started. This will be updated during
memory test. Going for sequential and random memory test.
50 Memory testing/initialization below 1M complete.
Going to adjust displayed memory size for relocation/ shadow.
51 Memory size display adjusted due to relocation/ shadow.
Memory test above 1M to follow.