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Diagnostic Card Usage
FC Erase Flash.
FD Program Flash.
FF Flash program successful. BIOS is going to restart. Runtime code is
uncompressed in F000 shadow ram
03 NMI is Disabled. To check soft reset/power-on.
05 BIOS stack set. Going to disable Cache if any.
06 POST code to be uncompressed.
07 CPU init and CPU data area init to be done.
08 CMOS checksum calculation to be done next.
0B Any initialization before keyboard BAT to be done next.
0C KB controller I/B free. To issue the BAT command to keyboard
0E Any initialization after KB controller BAT to be done next.
0F Keyboard command byte to be written.
10 Going to issue Pin-23,24 blocking/unblocking command.
11 Going to check pressing of <INS> , <END> key during power-on.
12 To init CMOS if Init CMOS in every boot is set or <END> key is
pressed. Going to disable DMA and Interrupt controllers.
13 Video display is disabled and port-B is initialized.
Chipset init about to begin.
14 8254 timer test about to start.
19 About to start memory refresh test.
1A Memory Refresh line is toggling. Going to check 15us ON/OFF
23 To read 8042 input port and disable Megakey GreenPC feature. Make
BIOS code segment writeable.
24 To do any setup before Int vector init.
25 Interrupt vector initialization about to begin. To clear password if
27 Any initialization before setting video mode to be done.
28 Going for monochrome mode and color mode setting.
2A Different BUSes init (system, static, output devices) to start if present.
2B To give control for any setup required before optional video ROM check.
2C To look for optional video ROM and give control.
2D To give control to do any processing after video ROM returns control.
2E If EGA/VGA not found then do display memory R/W test.
2F EGA/VGA not found. Display memory R/W test about to begin.
30 Display memory R/W test passed. About to look for the retrace