Location'' will appear. Enter path DRIVERS\WIN95 within the chosen installation directory, such as C:\XCAP
\DRIVERS\WIN95, and click ''Next''. A pop-up window will report that a driver was found, namely C:\XCAP
\DRIVERS\WIN95\EPIXXCW5.INF (EPIXXC32.INF for version 2.0 and earlier). Click ''Next'' and ''Finish''.
The first time Windows ME starts after installation of the PIXCI® imaging board, a pop-up window with the message
''New PCI Multimedia Video Device'' will flash by. Next a pop-up window with the message ''Windows has found the
following new hardware:'' will appear. Select ''Specify the location of the driver (Advanced)''. Click ''Next''. Select
''Search for the best driver for your device''. Check the box for: ''Specify a location''. Enter path DRIVERS\WINME
within the chosen installation directory, such as C:\XCAP\DRIVERS\WINME, and click ''Next''. A pop-up window
will report that a driver was found, namely C:\XCAP\DRIVERS\WINME\EPIXXCW5.INF (EPIXXC32.INF for
version 2.0 and earlier). Click ''Next'' and ''Finish''.
If the PIXCI® imaging board was already installed under Windows 95 or 98, and ''Cancel'' was clicked when
Windows started and announced the presence of new ''PCI Multimedia Hardware'', then instruct Windows to load the
appropriate driver. Click ''Start'', ''Control Panel'', ''System'', ''Device Manager'', and ''Other Devices''. Select ''PCI
MultiMedia Video Device'' (which appears if a PIXCI® imaging board driver was never installed), or ''PIXCI(R)
Video Capture Board'' (which appears if a PIXCI® imaging board driver was previously installed). Click ''Driver'',
''Change Driver'', and ''Other''. Select ''PCI MultiMedia Video Device'' or ''PIXCI(R) Video Capture Board''. Click
''Have Disk'', select DRIVERS\WIN95 within the chosen installation directory, such as C:\XCAP\DRIVERS\WIN95,
and click ''OK''.
If the PIXCI® imaging board was already installed under Windows ME, and ''Cancel'' was clicked when Windows
started and announced the presence of new ''PCI Multimedia Hardware'', then instruct Windows to load the
appropriate driver. Click ''Start'', ''Settings'', ''Control Panel'', ''System'', if System is not listed, click on ''view all
Control Panel options'', ''Device Manager'', and ''Other Devices''. Select ''PCI MultiMedia Video Device'' (which
appears if a PIXCI® imaging board driver was never installed), or ''PIXCI(R) Video Capture Board'' (which appears
if a PIXCI® imaging board driver was previously installed). Click on the ''Properties'' button. Click on the ''Driver''
Tab, and the click on ''Change Driver'', or ''Update Driver''. Next a pop-up window with the message ''This wizard
searches for updated drivers for:'' followed by ''PCI MultiMedia Video Device'' (which appears if a PIXCI® imaging
board driver was never installed), or ''PIXCI(R) Video Capture Board'' (which appears if a PIXCI® imaging board
driver was previously installed). Select ''Specify the location of the driver (Advanced)''. Click ''Next''. Select ''Search
for the best driver for your device''. Check the box for: ''Specify a location''. Enter path DRIVERS\WINME within
the chosen installation directory, such as C:\XCAP\DRIVERS\WINME, and click ''Next''. A pop-up window will
report that a driver was found, namely C:\XCAP\DRIVERS\WINME\EPIXXCW5.INF (EPIXXC32.INF for version
2.0 and earlier). Click ''Next'' and ''Finish''.
Note that the ''quick reboot'' offered by (some versions of the) Device Manager does not properly install the PIXCI®
board's driver; a full shutdown and reboot is required. The shutdown and reboot can be delayed until after the
installation is completed.
Set Frame Buffer Memory Size (optional):
By default, 4 megabytes of frame buffer memory is allocated.
Under Windows 95/98/ME, frame buffer memory must be allocated during Windows' initialization, as specified in the
Windows' SYSTEM.INI file. If additional frame buffer memory is desired, then at the end of the Windows'
SYSTEM.INI file, add a section:
PIXCI=-IM <memorysize>
replacing the ''<memorysize>'' with the desired memory size in Kbytes. Windows must be rebooted for the new
specification to take effect.
Windows 95/98/ME limits the maximum amount of allocatable frame buffer memory, dependent upon what other
devices are installed, the total PC memory size, and other factors.
Less than the requested amount of frame buffer memory may be provided by Windows. If no memory could be
allocated, the PIXCI® imaging board will not be usable; reporting ''Can't allocate frame buffer memory''. Otherwise,
within XCAP, the amount of frame buffer memory can be checked under
PIXCI® Open/Close
Configure S/VGA:
A ''High Color (16 bit or 65536 Color)'', ''True Color (24 bit or 16777216 Color)'', or ''True Color (32 bit)'' setting for
the display adapter (S/VGA) is required for proper display of images and overlay graphics. The ''True Color (24 bit or
16777216 Color)'' or ''True Color (32 bit)'' is suggested for higher quality, and quicker, display of images and overlay
graphics. This may be checked and/or modified via Windows ''Start'', ''Control Panel'', ''Display'', ''Settings''.
In Windows 95, under ''Control Panel'', ''Display'', ''Plus!'', the ''Show window contents while dragging'' must be
disabled (this feature is not present in older versions of Windows 95). Or in Windows 98/ME, under ''Control Panel'',
''Display'', ''Effects'', the ''Show window contents while dragging'' must be disabled.
After changing the settings a full shutdown and CTRL+ALT+DEL reboot should be used. The quick restart offered
PIXCI® SV4 User's Manual
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