- Waterfall Display
Yes Yes Yes
- RGB Merge
Yes Yes No
- Quad Pixel Merge
Yes No No
- Frame Average
Yes Yes No
Sequence Capture (Single Sequence and Continuous Sequence) -
- to Frame Buffers
Yes Yes Yes (g)
- to Frame Buffers at Event
Yes Yes No
- to Memory Buffers
Yes Yes Yes (g)
- to Memory Buffers at Event
Yes Yes No
- to Disk File
Yes Yes No
- to Disk File at Event
Yes Yes No
- to Image Files
Yes Yes No
- to Image Files at Event
Yes Yes No
- to StreamStor
Yes No No
Notes: For XCAP-Lite, the PIXCI imaging board is assumed installed and open for use. For XCAP-Demo, images can't be loaded
or captured; a ''synthetic'' image can be created for viewing. (a) The View, Palette feature does not include save, load, import, or
export. (b) The Examine, Pixel Peek feature does not include save. (c) The Modify, Set feature does not include non-rectangular
regions. (d) The Measure features do not include calibration. (e) The Capture, Adjustments do not include save, load, or export.
For color cameras with Bayer output, the white balance software feature allows creating a single set of customized settings.
(f) The Line Profile is limited to straight lines. (g) The Sequence Capture to Frame Buffers does not include the strobe feature.
The Sequence Capture does not include the time stamping feature. (l) Subject to the camera's mode being consistent with
continuous capture; cameras in a ''single shot trigger'' mode only use the Snap feature. (m) Subject to the image resolution versus
frame buffer memory size. (p) All plotting features do not include statistics, save, or export options. (u) For XCAP-Lite, images
may not be loaded directly from an Internet URL. (w) I/O Port Peek & Poke feature available only under Windows 95, 98, and
6. Architecture, Applications, and Features
6.1. Architecture
Block Diagram of the PIXCI® SV4 imaging board
PIXCI® SV4 User's Manual
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