“Baby Will” Valve Junior Conversion
Version 4
Build Manual
22 September 2009
10 of 36
Here’s the output board and the output transformer
after removal. Set the output board aside. It will be
used later in the build.
The output transformer can be discarded. It will
NOT be used later in the build.
5.2.3 Clean Up the Power Transformer
The stock EVJ’s power transformer provides leads for various mains supply
voltages. The extra leads are fastened to dead posts on the stock circuit board
for storage. We are going to clean up the inside of the chassis by pulling any
unused power transformer leads outside of the chassis cavity.
Disconnect these three (3) leads from
the stock EVJ circuit board.
Version 1 and 2 EVJ will
have 12v secondary taps
tied off and tucked inside the
chassis. These need to be
pulled outside and secured
as well.
After the leads are all pulled outside
the chassis, bundle them together and
tie them off.