13. ROS camera driver
13.1. What is ROS?
The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a set of software libraries and tools that help you build robot applications. From drivers to state-of-
the-art algorithms and with powerful developer tools, ROS has what is needed for a robotics project. It is all open source (Source:
ROS.org). For more details, also refer to ROS.org and ROS Wiki sensors.
13.2. Installation
System requirement: Linux operating system.
Download the “ESPROS_TOFCAM635_SW_package” from the website www.espros.com, section Downloads, 02_Cameras_and_Mod-
There is enclosed the “ESPROS_TOFCAM635_ROS_driver” file. Unpack this ZIP file.
13.3. Running the ROS driver
Change to the home directory and open the bash-file:
> cd ~
> gedit .bashrc
Insert the following line at the end of the bash-file:
Source ~/NameProjectDirectory/cam635_ROS_Driver/devel/setup.bash
Save the file and exit editor.
Start the ROS with GUI in terminal mode with the following command:
roslaunch espros_tof_cam635 camera.launch
The ROS tool opens with the different node windows and is ready to use.
Figure 17: Example of the “dynamic reconfigure” node window
Start the camera operation by changing in the menu the parameter “start_stream” from false to true.
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