Assemble the filter/ Assemble the front panel
Align the filter to the slot, the side with braces outward, then push filter into the unit slightly.
Insert the bottom buckle to the holes in the front cover, then assemble the front panel into the cover
The life-time of the filter differs based on indoor environment, usage times, and usage location.
To improve the efficiency, please purchase the filter suggested by EP Lighting.
Please make sure the power is turned off before replacing new filter.
Primary anti-microbi
al composite
filter should be cleaned by soft brush every half month to clear
away the large pollutant, like hairs.
Do not flush
or soak the filter in water or any other liquid detergents.
Pre-Cotton filter
High Efficiency HEPA filter
Cold Catalyst filter
UVC sterilization
Negative Ion
Photocatalytic Oxidation (TiO
Filter large particles in the air, such as
hair and foreign debris
Filter PM2.5, 99.97% of germs, dust,
pollen to the 0.3 micron size
Uses UVC254 germicidal efficacy to
kill virus and bacterial by 99.99%
Generate OH radicals to eliminate
virus and bacteria in the air
Ionizes the air
deactivating dust and
contaminants in the air, releasing
refreshing crisp air into the room.
Absorbs pollutants, odor, smoke,
toxic gases and other