Rev. A
http: www.networketi.com
Environmental Technology, Inc.
32 of 94
Automatic Air Dehydrator
Instruction Manual
The ADH Sirocco automatic air dehydrator has been factory configured to low
pressure specifications and retains those settings in memory. This is done to
protect the system feed horn window during initial system start-up. Check your
feed horn window specifications to confirm this prior to applying system power.
Upon initial start-up, it is perfectly acceptable to let the system operate using the
default settings.
If you do operate the dehydrator initially using the default settings, observe
system performance for a certain period of time, in light of your specific system
requirements. Then, if you choose to change any of the default settings, you
may do so at any time. You may, in fact, change the system settings as often as
you need to, remembering that it might take some time for system performance
to stabilize after certain settings have been changed.
Several advanced functions are available which are used only for troubleshooting
or diagnostic purposes. These functions are passcode protected and are not
part of normal operations. They are used only when working with Technical
Support personnel when trying to resolve a specific situation. Passcodes do not
refer to, nor are they assigned to, specific personnel at your site. Rather,
passcodes are based only on the specific function selected. Should it become
necessary to use one of these advanced functions, your Technical Support
representative will provide you the passcode for that function at that time.
If you should happen to select an option which requires or is protected by a
passcode, you will be prompted to enter the relevant passcode for that option. If
this happens and you didn’t mean to select whichever option prompted the
passcode request, wait a few seconds, press nothing, and the display will “time
out” then return to the previous screen.
Finally, you will notice that some words on some of the screens have either been
abbreviated or appear misspelled in some way. As the screen is small, this was
done deliberately to present the operator with the greatest number of options, as
well as the greatest amount of control.