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Environmental Express
• 26
AutoBlock® Fill:
Operation and Instruction Manual
Using the GhostWipe
2.5 FilterMate® or FlipMate® — optional if sample does not completely dissolve
* Note: For all procedures, when using the SC150 block with the SC490 digestion vials with
a 100mL sample, double the volume of all reagents and acids added.
3.0 Reagents
3.1 Concentrated Reagent-grade HNO
(5mL repipet dispenser recommended)
3.2 Concentrated Reagent-grade HCl (5mL repipet dispenser recommended)
4.0 Procedure
4.1 Transfer the wipe to the 50mL digestion cup. It is recommended that the
wipe is sent to the sampling area with a cup and wipe so no transfer steps
are required. The wipe must be transported in a rigid-walled container
according to the sampling procedure ASTM E1728.
4.2 Add 10mL DI Water, 2mL HNO
and 2mL HCl. Cover with a ribbed watch
4.3 Heat the sample for 45 minutes at 95°C.
Note: When using a watch glass, adjust the set point temperature of the HotBlock so that a
50mL solution is heated to 85°C BEFORE placing the watch glass over the sample. Laboratory
tests have proven that the addition of the ribbed watch glass will add approximately 10°C to
the sample temperature, bringing the sample temperature up to 95°C.
4.4 Using the polycarbonate transfer racks, remove samples from the HotBlock
and allow them to cool for approximately 10 minutes. Bring the sample to
50mL volume. If excess amounts of undigested material remain, filter the
sample using a 2.0µm PTFE FilterMate®.
4.5 Cap and mix well.
According to AIHA Policies 2001- Revision Nov. 2000, one LCS, one matrix spike
and one duplicate must be run every 20 samples. “The LCS shall be a solid matrix
material with an established concentration obtained from a source independent of
the instrument calibration and traceable to NIST or other similar reference material.
Liquid spikes may not be used for preparing LCSs”.
Environmental Express does offer NIST-traceable spiked GhostWipe wipes (Item
# SC4252). The range is 175 to 200µg of Lead per wipe.