Installation, Start-Up, Adjustment and Maintenance Manual
If anomalies are found, the electronic
control board will show them on the display and will
visualize the relative flashing unit codes. (i.e. ). Until the unit code is not deactivated, display will show
the unit code flashing. When there are more than one
unit code deactivated, they will be visualized in alternative mode and flashing. To enter the menu of
electronic control board (visualization menu) press its ENCODER once: on the display
the 1st
menu entry will be visualized (menu 0, shown as ).
Rotating the encoder, all the other menu will be visualized on the display. To exit and return to the
precedent level, it is necessary to select the letter “E” ) by pressing the encoder.
To enter in menu and visualize menu ent
ries it’s necessary to stop on the desired menu and press the
encoder: on the display the first menu entry of the same menu will be visualized .
By rotating the encoder, all the other menu entries of the same menu will be visualized on the display.
To e
xit and return to the precedent level (default visualization), it is necessary to select the letter “E”
) by pressing the encoder. MENU DESCRIPTION
The electronic control board presents nine menu (from 0 to 8), as follows: MENU 0, 1 and 7 are
“Visualization Menu” (data and parameters are readonly). In menu 0 it’s possible to visualize the unit
operation data detected from the electronic control board; In menu 1 it’s possible to realtime visualize
the unit operation data and the unit management. In menu 7 a number will represent the state of
digital Inlet.