Locating Notch
Step 3:
Switch the removed parts
around as shown in Figure 25 and
re-install all 28 screws. To correctly
install the base plate keep the
locating notch on each side at the
bottom. Also note the exhaust
spigot uses a lower set of holes
when setup as a rear vent.
Figure 25. Vent Conversion - Step 3
Use lower set of
Initial Installation
Cast Vent Cover
Step 4:
Re-install the cast top
by aligning the bolt heads on the
bottom side with the rear mounts
(see Figure 23). Re-install the back
plate and tighten the four retaining
screws. Finally, install the cast vent
cover supplied with the S30I as
shown in Figure 26.
Figure 26. Vent Conversion - Step 4