BrightEye Mitto Family - Page 17
Mitto Family of Scan Converters User Guide
Using MittoMagic Bookmarklet
MittoMagic is the quick and easy way to select videos for output on popular internet video sites.
MittoMagic is a “bookmarklet”, a little piece of Javascript that you run from within your web browser.
It communicates with the BrightEye Mitto Selection Tool to select just the video portion of a web page.
It’s easy to install and use, and it’s free. Visit our website to view an informational video and to access
the install link:
To Install MittoMagic Bookmarklet:
1. Install BrightEye Mac/PC 2.0.1 (or newer).
2. Install MittoMagic by dragging the Mitto Magic link into the bookmarks bar in your web browser.
To Use MittoMagic:
1. Run BrightEye Mac or PC and show the Selection Tool.
2. Navigate to your favorite internet video site such as YouTube or Vimeo.
3. Click the “MittoMagic” link in your bookmark bar.
4. Click the “Select Video” button which will appear in the top right corner of your browser.
Note: For use with FireFox, Chrome, or Safari web browser. Internet Explorer is not supported.