The error codes are composed of 4 hexadecimal digits, where each digit is composed
of 4 bits with values of 1,2,4, and 8. You add the 4 bit values together to get the
resulting code. This sounds complicated but it really is not.
Here is how it works for the right digit:
The bits are:
1 – Power Fail
2 – No Probe
4 – Low Bat
8 - SD
So if the battery was low, the right digit would be 4. If there was also a power fail, it
would be 5. If there was also a no probe error the digit would be 7. If there was an SD
error, the total could get up to 15. This is where the hexadecimal comes in. Any total
greater than 9 gets a letter from A to F. So 10 = A, 11 = B, 12 = C, 13 = D, 14 = E, and
15 = F.
For the second digit the bits are:
1 - FP (signal processing error)
2 - CC (signal processing error)
4 - Log Full (flash memory)
8 – RS232 error
The third digit:
1 - Probe error
2 - Low Alarm
4 - High Alarm
8 - Low signal
And the left digit:
1 - High Signal
2 - USB Connected
4 - R14
8 - R15
Eno Scientific Well Watch 670
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