p. 19
01. Getting Started
02. Introducing Neova
03. The Dashboard
04. Support
• Zones A and B: gestures display
• Zone C: advanced gesture panel for the selected gesture
Zones A and B display a simple representation of gestures 1 to 4. You may notice that two se-
parate representations exist, depending on if this specific gesture exists or not.
If the gesture exists, the area will show its type and info. The top-right-located button lets you
mute or unmute the gesture.
Clicking on an existing gesture selects it. A selected gesture has a colored outline: in the exa-
mple, the Vibrato (gesture 1 in Zone A) is selected.
Once a gesture is selected, its advanced settings will appear in the advanced panel (Zone C),
refer to 3.2 to learn how to change those settings.
You can organise your gesture set in multiple ways:
• Move a gesture by dragging it onto an empty gesture location.
• Swap 2 gestures by dragging one onto another.
• Duplicate a gesture using by using right click > duplicate.
• Delete a gesture by either using right click > delete, or by selecting it then pressing the “de-
lete” key (Cmd
+ backspace on MacOS).
To create a new gesture, click on an empty gesture location to show the Gesture Creator Panel,
shown in figure 21.
figure 21: Gesture Creator Panel
• Zone A: gesture types.
• Zone B: gesture description.
Hover your move over a type (Zone A) to display a short description (Zone B) of what this ges-
ture type does. Create the gesture by clicking on the gesture type.
3.1.6. Upload Button
When you change your gesture configuration with the Dashboard, all changes are transferred
in real time to the dashboard. However, those changes are not actually saved: if you disconnect
and reconnect your Neova HUB, the configuration will be back to the one before the changes!
To save the changes to your Neova, press the upload button. The button will get brighter and
become clickable as soon as a change was performed, to let you know that you may save your
configuration before unplugging your Neova HUB.