**Note: While you are setting the time and date the
item that is ready to be ‘set’ will be highlighted**
7. Using the
SIZE change the highlighted value
8. Use the
button to set the current item and
advance to the next item
9. Repeat steps 7 & 8 until all of the Time/Date values
are set correctly*
Once the current Time & Date have been set you can
choose to enable/disa
ble the ‘24 Hour Clock’ format, and
‘Date Format’ options. To enable/disable an option: Use
SIZE to highlight the desired option and press the
to select
• Press the BLUE
button to return to normal
2. Product Settings
This menu allows user to configure product features
such as:
Set System to 50/60Hz
(Domestic or International Settings)
***NOTE: After Factory Reset the System Setting
may need to be reset based on your location.***
Auto Standby
Set Standby Times from 5, 10, 20, or 30 Minutes
Configure Buttons
Enabled or disable the following buttons: Save,
Freeze, Gallery, Image Panning, and Clock.
Chapter 4 Using the Menu