3.2.1 Playback
Press "PLAY" key to start playback.
Key Operation:
: Same as "PLAY" key on remote, to start playing the file, or resume paused file.
: Same as "PAUSE" key on remote, to pause the playing file
Same as "STOP" key on remote, to stop the playing file, and return to the file
browser interface.
: Same as "<<" / ">>" key on remote, to play fast backward or forward. The speed
can switch to twice, four times, eight times and sixteen times, and displayed
with “X2
X16” on screen
: Same as "|<<" / ">>|" key on remote, to play the previous or next file directly.
To enter slow mode. The speed can switch to 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, and displayed
with “X1/2, X1/4, X1/8, X1/16” on screen.
: To enter step mode.
To set AB repeat, the first press sets A point, and the second press sets B point,
and then play between A and B repeatedly.
: To enter the play list menu.
: Same as "INFO" key on remote, to display the information of the current file.
: To enter “Movie Setup” menu, including “Program”, “Subtitle”, “Audio”,
“Repeat Mode”.
: To enter “GO TO” function, the user can input the time to start directly.