BlackDoor Duo
Engage Black
udp port is used to communicate to the remote connection when sae mode is master or slave.
When mode bridge is selected the udp port is used for the bridge packet tunnel to the remote
BlackDoor Duo. This port number is typically 1701 but can be any available port on the router.
setconn connection name remote encrypted routes froute[, route]g
Species routes to be encrypted and sent to the remote BlackDoor Duo. The route must be in CIDR
notation. Example: Multiple routes are separated by a comma with no white space
before or after the comma. Valid only in mode route.
setconn connection name local encrypted routes froute[, route]g
Species local routes that are encrypted by the remote and sent to the local BlackDoor Duo.
local enrypted routes should match the remote encrypted routes specied on the remote
BlackDoor Duo. The route must be in CIDR notation. Example: Multiple routes
are separated by a comma with no white space before or after the comma. Valid only in mode route.
setconn connection name sae peer id id
Specify a string representing the SAE ID of the BlackDoor Duo remote unit (not this unit). SAE
ID assignment is in the scope of the quantum key distribution network.
4.6.5 Cong Quantum Key Distribution Commands
kme ip address
Species the IP address and optionally port address of the KME unit providing a quantum key to
the BlackDoor Duo.
sae modefo j master j slaveg
When o the BlackDoor Duo does not utilize Quantum Key Distribution. master congures the
BlackDoor Duo to act as a master secure application entity in the quantum key distribution network.
slave congures the BlackDoor Duo to act as a slave secure application entity.
tls modefpsk j nopskg
tls mode selects the type of cipher suite for the TLS communication to the QKD KME unit. psk
indicates a TLS PSK cipher suite where the key is used to authenticate and derive session keys for
the TLS connection. nopsk indicates a TLS cipher suite in which public key certicates are used
for authentication and session keys are established with a Die-Hellman key exchange.
See the Cong BlackDoor Commands section for how to set the TLS PSK key with enterkey.
4.6.6 Conguration Examples
This is an example of a conguration of the BlackDoor Duo in mode bridge.
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