BlackDoor Duo
Engage Black
keymode fikej manualg
ike uses IKEv2 to establish keys.
manual is selected for manually entering the encryption key via the enterkey command.
rekey period
Species the time in minutes the BlackDoor Duo establishes new encryption and message
authentication keys with the remote unit. Not used when the keymode is manual.
enterkey fauth j encrypt j tlspskg string1 string2
auth string1
Enter a string that is used as an authentication secret. The BlackDoor Duo authentication secret
must be the same as congured on the remote unit in order for an encryption tunnel to be set up.
encrypt string1
encrypt is used for keymode manual. Entery a 64 byte hex string to be used as the encryption
tlspsk string1 string2
tlspsk is used when tls mode psk is selected.
Enter string1 that is the TLS PSK Key ID. Enter string2 that is the TLS PSK Key. The Key
ID and Key must be the same as congured on the remote unit in order for QKD to work properly.
The Key string should be kept secret and as cryptographically sound as possible.
See the Cong Quantum Key Distribution Commands section for how to set tls mode.
The enterkey command causes the unit to reset.
4.6.4 Connection Conguration Commands
The BlackDoor Duo supports multiple connections to other BlackDoor Duo units. There are
special commands to congure the parameters for each connection. Connection parameters have
underscores. Take care to include the underscores when you type in the parameters.
add conn connection name
Creates a connection with the specied name. All subsequent conguration for this connection
species the name. The connection initially has no conguration parameters. The connection must
be congured with all the required conguration parameters for it to be operational.
remove conn connection name
Removes the named connection from the conguration. The connection and all its conguration
parameters are deleted.
setconn connection name peer ip address address
Species the destination ip address of the remote BlackDoor Duo unit.
setconn connection name peer conn name peer-connection-name
Species the peer's connection name.
setconn connection name udp port value
Species the UDP port source and destination address for communication to the remote BlackDoor
Duo. The udp port must be unique for each connection. When mode route is selected the
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