Enertech Global
SK Models IOM
Figure #3
Figure #4
2. Remove the bracket, but set the screws aside.
See Figure #4. This bracket is only needed for
shipment and can be discarded once the pipe
protector has been installed.
Figure #3
Figure #4
3. The pipe protector consists of two pieces; an
inner slip/cover, and the outer shield. Make sure
the inner slip is inside the outer piece before
mounting it to the unit.
4. Slide the pipe protector in place. The left side
of the pipe protector will fit over the ‘Source
In’ and ‘Source Out’ water lines. The tabs on
either side will slip behind the tabs of the water
connection plate. The right side of the pipe
protector will sit behind the flange of the bottom
5. Use the two screws that were removed with the
horizontal bracket, to attach the top flange of
the pipe protector in the same locations as the
horizontal bracket.
6. Then, take the (3) screws provided with the pipe
protector, and use them to attach both tabs to
the water connection plate, and the right side
of the pipe protector to the back side of the
bottom pan flange. See Figure #5 and #6 for
Figure #5
Figure #6
Left Side
(Tabs on both sides slide behind
the tabs on the water connection
Right Side
(Sits behind bottom
pan flange)
7. The inner slip/cover will be used to cover the
gap between the bottom of the outer shield and
the ground.
8. The door to the unit can now be placed back on
to the unit.