Enertech Global
SK Models IOM
Keep all cardboard or other packaging material for
safe storage and transport to the job site prior to
Remove the service panel to locate technical
documents; manuals, bulletins or instructions and
accessory items; HWG piping kits, supply/return
duct flange kits or condensate tubing kits prior to
Unit Protection:
Protect units from damage and contamination
due to plastering (spraying), painting and all other
foreign materials that may be used at the job site.
Keep all units covered on the job site with either
the original packaging or equivalent protective
covering. Cap or recap unit connections and all
piping until unit is installed. Precautions must be
taken to avoid physical damage and contamination
which may prevent proper start-up and may result
in costly equipment repair.
All geothermal units should be stored inside in the
original packaging in a clean, dry location. Units
should be stored in an upright position at all times.
Units should not be stacked unless specially noted
on the packaging.
Removal and Disposal:
All Geothermal units removed from service
should have all components, oils, antifreeze and
refrigerants properly disposed of according to all
local and national environmental recycling codes,
regulations, standards and rules.
Pre-Installation and Site Preparation:
Survey the installation site to determine the best
location for placing the outdoor unit. When
possible, select an exterior wall away from
common living areas, bedrooms, family rooms, etc.
Ground level installations must be located
according to local code and ordinances. All units
should be placed on a concrete slab slightly
larger than the base of the unit; only a concrete
slab is recommended due to the overall size and
weight of the unit. The pad and/or slab must be
separate from the building foundation, and must
be a minimum of 2 inches above grade level with
adequate drainage. The unit needs to be located
in a way that allows service without the removal of
any piping or other permanently installed fixtures.
See Section 3.0 for other details on unit placement.
All electrical connections must be made in
accordance with all applicable codes and
ordinances. The electrical disconnect shall be
capable of electrically de-energizing the outdoor
unit. See electrical data tables for correct wire and
fuse sizing.
Pre-Installation Steps:
1. Compare the electrical data on the unit
nameplate with the pacing slip and ordering
information to verify that the correct unit has
been shipped.
2. Inspect all electrical connections and wires.
Connections must be clean and tight at the
terminals, and wires should be protected from
any sharp edges or copper pipe.
3. Before unit start up, read all manuals and
become familiar with unit components and
operation. Thoroughly check the unit before