900-00272-01-001 Rev A
I Want To Be Off-Grid, But Not Really
(Maximum Independence)
This profile should not be chosen without a lot of forethought. It is intentionally not included in the flow chart on
page 5. The solar array must be sized appropriately to support both the average loads and battery charging
simultaneously. The battery bank must be sized to support the loads overnight at the very least.
In this profile, the SkyBox physically disconnects from the grid and runs off solar power and battery alone until
the battery reaches the
Minimum SOC
setting. At this point, the SkyBox re-connects to the grid and
any loads are carried by the grid. Until the batteries reach 85% of the
Maximum SOC
setting, solar power
will not contribute to the loads. The SkyBox disconnects from the grid once the battery reaches the
Maximum SOC
Figure 7
Maximum Independence Power Flow