...the world's most energy friendly microcontrollers
2010-11-12 - t0008_1.01
13.3 Upgrades
Upgrading the kit can be done by using the "Upgrade Kit" script in the start menu. New versions
can be downloaded from http://www.energymicro.com/downloads/. The script will use energyAware
Commander to install the latest available Kit SW package. It is important to upgrade the kit when installing
a new SW package, as new energyAware Commander functionality might require kit controller software
You can also use the energyAware Commander for upgrades. Select the "Kit" icon, use the "Browse"
button to select the correct file ending in ".emz", and press the "Install package button".
Finally, there is an option at the command line,
eACommander.exe --install stkappl.emz
to explictly install new packages by hand (or within a script).