4.0 Brief Description
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Operating Instructions Text Display
4.0 Brief Description
The text display is a on screen display for durable text insertion inclusive date and time
respectively to insert protocol data of the interface.
The following diagram shows an overview of the parameters that can be configured by
PS/2 keyboard and/or PC program:
All functions to edit the on screen display are configurable by customary PS/2 keyboard.
For generating an on screen text with time and date display you need no PC.
The meaning and configuration of the parameter describes chapter 5.
The general parameters of the interface control are easy to configure by the keyboard.
Only the modification and positioning of data fields can be controlled by PC program:
The PC setup interface allows the selection of created protocols from a list and a
comfortable setting of all parameters:
General protocol
Positioning of
Data fields
Selection and modify
of data fields
On screen text
Relay reset time
Insert timeout
Positioning and display
Time / Date
Text display insert
RS232 parameters
Automatic switch
summer-/ winter time
Editing by PS/2 keyboard
Parameter setting by PC setupprogram
Display of
Protocol data