Zero point
Value that should be displayed at 4 mA
Press the B key until | Z | P | | 4 | is displayed.
A+B menu item for setting: | | 0.| 0 | 0 | e.g.: 0 bar
B or A for up and down
A+B acknowledge the setting and return to menu item "ZP"
Value that should be displayed at 20 mA
Press the B key until | E | P | 2 | 0 | is displayed.
A+B menu item for setting: | | 0.| 0 | 0 |
B or A for up and down: | 6 | 0. | 0 | 0 | e.g.: 60 bar
A+B acknowledge the setting and return to menu item "EP"
Press the B key until | F | I | L | t | is displayed.
A+B menu item for setting: | | | 0.| 3 |
(min. = 0.3 s; max.= 20 s)
B or A for up and down: | | | 1.| 5 | e.g.: 1.5 s
A+B acknowledge the setting and return to menu item "FILt"
Range overshoot
Message if signal is under 4 mA or over 20 mA
Message "HI" overranging
Message "LO" underranging
Press the B key until | H | I | L | O | is displayed.
A+B menu item for setting: | | o | F | F | message inactive
B or A for up and down: | | | o | n | message active
A+B acknowledge the setting and return to menu item "HILO"