Tankside Monitor NRF81
Assigning the P3 (top) sensor
This procedure is only required for the following HTG mode:
• P1 + P3
• P1 + P2 + P3
1. Navigate to Setup → Advanced setup → Application → Tank configuration → Pressure
2. Go to the
P3 (top) source
parameter (→ 185) and select the device from which
the top pressure is obtained.
3. Go to the
P3 (top)
parameter (→ 118) and check whether the indicated pressure
matches the actual pressure at the P3 position. If necessary, the indicated pressure
can be corrected by the
P3 offset
parameter (→ 186).
4. Go to the
P3 position
parameter (→ 186) and enter the distance from the datum
plate to the P3 sensor.
5. Go to the
P3 abs / rel
parameter (→ 186) and specify whether the P3 sensor
measures an absolute or a relative pressure.
Selecting HTG as the level source
1. Navigate to Setup → Advanced setup → Application → Tank configuration → Level
2. Go to the
Operation mode
parameter and select
Supplementary specifications
1. If the ambient pressure deviates considerably from 1 bar (14.5 psi):
Navigate to Setup → Advanced setup → Application → Tank configuration → Pressure
2. Go to the
Ambient pressure
parameter (→ 187) and specify the ambient
submenu contains additional parameters for a more detailed configuration
of the HTG calculation. For details: → 199