5.3 Internet
ENHWI-3GN3 supports both 3G and ADSL/Cable Modem for Internet access.
Please note that the 3G network by default is the preferred Internet option.
Therefore, in case you have both 3G and ADSL/Cable Modem internet
connection, the ENHWI-3GN3 will automatically use 3G for Internet access
and disable the ADSL/Cable Modem connection. Inserting a 3G USB Modem
adapter the ENHWI-3GN3 will turn off the ADSL/Cable Modem connection
The 3G USB Modem adapter may take more than 20 seconds to initiate and
ties up to ENHWI-3GN3. Wait and check the 3G LED in the front panel. Once
the LED stays at green light, the 3G is ready.
Status Tab
This page shows the current Internet connection type and status