Enter the name for your wireless network SSID (the default is ENCORE5FA74C), you may
change it to your desired name with no spaces or leave it as is. Then enter the security key
your desired (the default is 1234567890 for 10 digits and 1234567890123 for 13 digits) you
may use your own or leave it as is.
The “Key” type will depend on the wireless security you have selected. If you choose WEP
as the wireless security (2
or 3
blocks from the left) a 10-digit default key for the 2
and 13-digits default key for the 3
block will be assigned, you can change these keys now
or leave it as is.
The highest, the “Green Block” contains the WPA2 wireless security, which is the most
secured and the latest wireless security. The WPA and WPA2 require a passphrase as the
password. You may enter regular alpha-numeric combination as the Passphrase.
to proceed to the next step.
To save configuration changes click
After the Wireless settings are saved and the ENHWI-3GN3 is rebooted, you need
to reconnect your wireless client computer using the new security settings and ID’s you just
change or assigned. You will need to reenter the new wireless security key to be able to
connect back to the ENHWI-3GN3 wireless connections.