Board Reference / Pin
I2C Net Name
J200 / A-55
Signal is level shifted to 3.3 V
J200 / A-57
Signal is level shifted to 3.3 V
J200 / A-111
J200 / A-113
J200 / A-115
Connected to Anios connectors and clock generator on the
base board
U505 / 2
Connected to FTDI device when the FTDI mode setting is
U505 / 5, 11
Connected to FTDI device when the FTDI mode setting is
Table 27: I2C Structure
The ST1 base board supports HDMI 1.4b and 2.0b output signals. The display data channel (DDC)
for audio and video format recognition is wired to the I2C FPGA bus (pins A-55/57). The standard I2C bus
(A-111/113) is used for the redriver configuration.
The three HDMI data lanes are routed to the Mercury module connector C (C-45/47, C-51/53, C-57/59) to
be connected to transceivers for modules having MGTs on these pins. By default the clock connection is
made to pins C-139/141. If the application requires having the clock mapped to the 4th MGT channel of the
same quad as the data lanes (pins C-63/65), it is possible to realize this connection by removing resistors
R310 - R313 and by populating R308 - R309. In this case, the SFP+ port is not available any longer.
The HDMI redriver equipped on the board performs pair deskew, therefore the configuration of three MGT
lanes and a TMDS clock (allowing for the additional SFP+ port) is supported.
This interface is protected against electrostatic discharge by using TVS diodes.
Figure 14: HDMI Connector with Redriver
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Version 02, 23.07.2020