Copyright © 2010 by EMTrust GmbH All rights reserved
User Manual - CP75X
Halt On
During POST, the computer stops if the BIOS has
detected a hardware error. You can set the BIOS to ignore
certain errors during POST and continue the boot-up
The following options are available:
[No Errors]
POST does not stop for any error.
[All Errors]
If the BIOS detect any non-fatal error, POST will stop and
prompts you to take corrective action.
[All, But Keyboard]
POST does not stop if a keyboard error occurs, but stops
for all other errors.
Total Memory
Total Memory
Shows the amount of available system memory.
RearIO Configuration
Shows the used RearIO Configuration.
Attached Rear I/O Module
Shows the version of the used REARI/O Module.
Attached 8HP Module
Shows the version of the used 8HP Module.
PCB Revision
Shows the used PCB Revision.