What is DRM ?
Short for digital rights management, a system for protecting the copyrights of data circulated via
the Internet or other digital media by enabling secure distribution and/or disabling illegal
distribution of the data. Typically, a DRM system protects intellectual property by either
encrypting the data so that it can only be accessed by authorized users or marking the content with
a digital watermark or similar method so that the content can not be freely distributed.
What is MTP ?
MTP stands for 'Media Transfer Protocol' and it has been developed by Microsoft based on
WMP10. Here is the related content referred from Microsoft website.
Media Transfer Protocol Specification
Microsoft has developed the Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) to manage content on any portable
device with storage. It is based upon an existing protocol, Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP), and
can be implemented to be fully compatible with that protocol. The primary purpose of MTP is to
facilitate communication between devices that connect to a computer or other host, exchange data,
and then disconnect for standalone use. A secondary purpose of MTP is to enable command and
control of a connected device. This includes remote control of device functionality, monitoring of
device-initiated events, and reading and setting of device properties.
What is MSC ?
MSC stands for Mass Storage Class. It doesn't require separate drive installation when It's first
connected to PC and it can be used as an external mass storage device using 'drag and drop'
method with 'Windows Explorer'.