1. At a distance of 16.5' from the laser, mark the
center of the horizontal line on Wall A (Point I).
Do the same on Wall B (Point II).
2. Move the Laser 33' toward the opposite wall and
rotate the laser 180°. Allow the laser to Self-Level.
3. Adjust the height of the tool (using the tripod or
by adding shims, if required) such that the center
of the horizontal line is projected exactly against
the previously marked point II on wall B. Ensure
the Laser is self-leveled after alignment.
Mark the center of horizontal line on wall A (point
III). Take care that point III is aligned as vertical
as possible above or below point I.
5. The distance d between marked points I and III on
wall A indicates the actual deviation (d) of the tool.
6. For the Measuring distance of 2 x 33' = 66', the
maximum allowable deviation (d) is: 66' x ±1/4" ÷
33' = ±1/2". Thus, the difference d between points
I and III should not exceed 1/2" (max.) at 66'.
Vertical Leveling Accuracy
A door opening with approximately 8' of space on
each side of the opening is required for this check.
1. Securely mount the tool 8' from one side of the
door opening.
2. Turn the tool to
3. Position the tool with the laser cross towards the
door opening. Allow the tool to self-level.
4. Mark the center of the vertical laser line on the floor
in the middle of the door opening (point I), at a dis
tance of 8' beyond the door opening (point II), and
at the upper edge of the door opening (point III).
5. Move the laser level directly behind point II on the
other side of the door. Align the vertical laser line
so the center is directly aligned with points I and II.
6. Mark the center of the vertical line at the upper
edge of the door opening (point IV).
7. Measure the height of the door opening.
The distance between points III and IV on the
upper door opening is the vertical deviation (d)
of the tool.
The maximum vertical deviation (d) is:
dmax = 2X H (door opening) x ±1/4" ÷ 33'
Example : for a door opening height of 7', the
maximum permitted deviation (d) is:
dmax = 2 x 7' x ±1/4" ÷ 33' = ±0.11
Therefore, the measurement between points III
and IV on the upper door opening should not
exceed 0.11" in a 7' doorway.