which you’ll be using Cognitiv. For many users, providing more Neutral training data will result in
better overall Cognitiv performance.
Neutral training must be completed first before any actions can be trained and activated.
3.3.5 Clear Training Button
Occasionally, you may find that a particular trained action doesn’t work as well as it once did. This
may indicate that the training data used to construct your personalized Cognitiv signature was
“contaminated” by a more recent, inconsistent training session or that some characteristics of your
brainwaves have changed over time. It may also happen that you wish to change the mental
imagery or technique that you associate with a particular action. In either situation, you can use the
button to delete the training data for the selected action. Keep in mind that doing so will
disable the Cognitiv detection until new training data has been recorded for this action.
3.3.6 Cognitiv Tips
Mental dexterity with the Cognitiv Suite is a skill that will improve over time. As you learn to train
distinct, reproducible mental states for each action, the detection becomes increasingly precise.
Most users typically achieve their best results after training each action several times. Overtraining
can sometimes produce a decrease in accuracy
–although this may also indicate a lack of
consistency and mental fatigue. Practice and experience will help determine the ideal amount of
training required for each individual user.
If it becomes hard for you to return to neutral (i.e. to stop the cube from moving) you should try
refreshing your mental state by momentarily shifting your focus away from the screen and relaxing.
It is easy to become immersed in the experience and to have the Cognitiv actions at the “front of
your mind” while trying to be neutral.
Successful training relies on consistency and focus. For best results, you must perform the
intended action continuously for the full training period. It is common for novice users to become
distracted at some point during the training period and then mentally restart an action, but this
practice will result in poorer results than training with a mental focus that spans the entire training
A common mistake is for users to attempt to “force” a particular action, usually by straining head,
jaw, tongue or neck muscles or squinting. These actions will just disguise a poor signature and
make the detection difficult to duplicate. Try to relax and use your imagination to visualize the
intended action, especially during training. Keep your eyes open if possible so you can see the
visual feedback on screen. Actions will occur most reliably if the user relaxes and lets the action
happen, in a similar way to moving a limb or remembering a tune.
A short latency, of up to two seconds,
in the initiation and cessation of the cube’s animated action
on screen is typical.